Monday, July 6, 2015

Children: To Have or Not to Have

Children. They are these beautiful little people who will eventually become adults who eventually run the world that we live in when we are old and gray. If we are lucky to get old and gray. However; some of us choose not to have them. This does not make us bad people. This does not make us selfish. This does not make us less worthy of human connection. This is a choice that we have the right to make freely. Many people who opt out of having children face stigma, being shut out by those with children simply because we "just don't get it" and rightfully so. We likely don't get what it means to be a parent having never been one BUT-we are often willing to babysit to give you and your partner a break for the weekend. We can be a different kind of support for these children. We provide a different type of perspective for these children-even if many people diminish our humanity based on the number of children we've sired or pushed out of our bodies. The decision to have children involves a myriad of factors and should not be taken lightly. There are financial and social implications for those decisions. Regardless of what kind of life you choose, it is yours to do with as you will. Not society's and certainly not someone else's. Choose wisely.

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