Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Last Leg

The last leg of the journey is often the toughest one. It's when often we run out of steam or we simply feel as if we cannot soldier on-but soldier on we must if we want to achieve our goals. It's when we hit the wall and know we still have a ways to go. Perhaps in the past we would have given up more easily, but given our new-found strength and perspective, the final stretch doesn't appear to be so insurmountable. Here's to completing goals, finishing the last leg and reveling in our achievements.

What Would You Do?

What if we could go back in time-let's say-15 years ago and talk to ourselves at that particular time in our lives. What would we say? Would we discuss all the awesome experiences, the heartache, the elation, the disappointments, the opportunities? Would we offer counsel in anticipation of what to come? What would our younger selves think of the lives we opted to live and where we decided to go? Would the meeting itself irrevocably change the course of history? There are so many possibilities in these kinds of meetings and although they do not appear to be physically possible given our understanding of time, what if that understanding is wrong and we can receive future messages or send one back in time? Oh the possibilities!

Expression Through Art

Expression through art is an amazing thing. It can be a great creative outlet for those of us who enjoy creativity or a stumbling block for those who do not consider ourselves creative at all. But-perhaps our definition of creativity needs to change. Some of us create in ways that are not typically seen as overly creative. We may improve something we already use everyday or make modifications to a routine. Is this not being creative? It's certainly demonstrating creative/innovative thinking/doing. There are all kinds of ways we can be creative. With our technology. With our meals. With our activities. With our hobbies. There is no limit to what is possible in the expression of art. Remember, art can be found in the most unlikely of places.


Sometimes our opinions can get us into a wee bit of trouble. Other times, they can get us into a whole heap of trouble. The important thing is to be well-informed, flexible and understand that not everyone will agree with us. In fact, we may end up getting into some serious debates with some of the people we love most of all. Just understand that our opinions are not who we are-they are just our beliefs-and likely highly dependent on our environment, what we choose to read/watch and the people we associate with. Keep it all in perspective and respectful of other.


When we believe in something, truly believe in something, we can accomplish whatever we set our mind to. Whatever the goal is. Unbending intent will get us the result that we so desire. If we work smart and hard we can achieve great things. It is this tireless determination toward an end result that keeps us striving and growing into the kind of person we want to be.

Maya Angelou

One of the greatest poets and teachers of the past century or so was a phenomenal woman by the name of Maya Angelou. Her compassion, humanitarianism and love for teaching and learning made her one of the most amazing women we've had the privilage to enjoy at this time in history. Though she has passed away, her words will remain with us for years to come and will likely only gain poinancy. Here's to a true gem of a person.

The Spiritual Toolbox

In life, we benefit from having tools to cope with various situations we find ourselves in. Particularly challenging situations where there is no clear direction outlined for us. It is during these times we must go to our spiritual toolbox-kind of like a spiritual first aid kit-to find our way or to self-sooth. Common tools we can use to navigate these difficult times are prayer, meditation, writing/art, cooking/healthy food, essential oils, music, yoga/tai chi, smudging, rocks and/or a good book. There can be countless other elements in this toolbox, but each should have a positive impact on your spiritual health. Here's to ensuring a full toolbox and supports as you go through the transitions of life.

Making Adult Decisions

Sometimes it's a good thing to let your inner child out to play-and sometimes they just shouldn't be in charge. In fact-they can come out to play, but they should not be in charge of making grown-up decisions. They don't do a great job of it. The wonder and excitement they bring is certainly welcome, but sometimes adult decisions need to be made and the inner child needs to be kept quiet. Here's to putting away childish things for a time in order to make more-informed grown-up decisions.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


The people we meet in life become mirrors for us. Sometimes reflecting back the beauty in ourselves and sometimes reflecting back the parts of ourselves that make us feel ugly or ashamed. It is those people that can be the greatest gifts for our development and growth as people on a journey of self-discovery and love. It's in these spaces that we see the way we treat ourselves in the way we treat others. Really, when we get angry at another's behavior, it's a part of ourselves that we deny and would prefer to shove under the rug. These people that push our buttons help us see the parts of ourselves that we may need to work on. They provide a mirror for us, reflecting back all the beauty we can not see.

Teachers as Life-Long Learners

When we teach someone something new, a part of us awakens to new learning. In teaching others the knowledge we've acquired, and in having that knowledge examined and questioned consistently keeps us on our toes and helps create in a teacher a passion for life-long learning and constant inquiry. It's this thirst for knowledge and desire to share information that make teachers pretty special people. Here's to learning from everyone everywhere.

The Perfect Employment Opportunity

The perfect job. That elusive job that pays well, requires 35 hours/week or less of time, is something enjoyable and does not require compromise of values. These types of employment opportunities exist-and even if they do not exist-they can be created. In order to move the process along it helps to write down a list of desirable characteristics in a future employer so that then it can be attracted to you more easily. The perfect career and accompanying job is out there With a great culture and awesome benefits. Don't give up and more importantly don't settle.

It'll Get Done

Sometimes we rush in life to get to the next step-or the next stage if you will. But at the end of the day, the things we set out to do-if we truly want to do them-get done. It may take longer than we think it will, but it does eventually get done. We must have the fortitude to trust that all things work themselves out in time. All things. All it takes is patience and focus. Here's to knowing that it will all get done. All of it.

Monday, August 17, 2015


Sometimes things happen to us in life that cause us to feel tremendous amounts of anxiety. Most of the time, these events are either not all that important, the outcome is out of our hands or we simply fail to see the big picture. Making mountains out of molehills is another common expression for such a feeling. When we're in the feeling of anxiety-our chest tightens, we are unable to focus on other things, and we lose the ability to be in the present moment. We forget that anxiety is temporary and that these feelings pass-just like all feelings pass. It's all a matter of perspective. Next time anxiety hits-be sure to breath deeply, try to see the whole picture, try to understand what exactly is causing the feeling and understand that it's all temporary.


We all love the things money can buy. Money buys you material possessions-yes-but it also buys you freedom. Planning out your finances and ensuring you stick to a budget is essential in moving forward towards your financial goals. Life can get expensive. Things cost money and making money-through whatever means-is a good way to start, but we require a definite plan for how our money will work for us-not so much how our money will be frittered away on useless things. Getting yourself an emergency fund, saving for retirement, purchasing a home and obtaining steady streams of income will help you maintain the lifestyle you desire. Money and healthy financial management are one of the most essential ingredients in moving forward with eventually having full financial freedom. What have you done today to get you one step closer to financially freeing yourself?

Eat Well!

Eating well is essential to feeling well. Building a good dietary plan is the first step in moving forward if you want your mind to think differently and your body to undergo positive change. Cutting out foods that make you feel bloated, tired and unwell is one of the best things you can do for your overall health. Many of us have issues with eating dairy-and are quite intolerant of it. Whether we want to admit it or not, so many of the foods we may love to eat actually pose hazardous to our health and can cost us our vitality. We can help to figure out what's good by monitoring our body after meals, getting allergy testing done and cutting out foods that many people have issues with (common irritants). Additionally, the chemicals in our foods and genetic modifications may have far-reaching effects we may not even realize. Cutting out processed foods and adding some supplements to our diet may also help us to get some of our health issues addressed. Here's to eating well!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Doing Things Differently


We all like to rant from time to time. Get things off our chest. Clear the air. Find solace in voicing our opinion. Sometimes ranting can serve a therapeutic function. Sometimes it can just be awesome. Here's to letting your rants reign supreme!

Cinema as a Facilitator of Social Change

Movies and television serials are excellent facilitators of social change. Many taboo subjects are often explored in the art world, where we would not be allowed such liberties in other fields. Additionally, cinema enables us to take multiple perspectives while still remaining safely in our chairs-a comforting feeling for many of us. Movies in general have always had the ability to push the envelope forward on many different issues and bring awareness of sensitive subjects to society at large. Movies that get us to ponder the purpose of our existence, the meaning of life in general and question societal norms are just the tip of the iceberg. Here's to movies that make us think and feel differently.

Taking a Trip Inside

Many of us travel to wondrous far-off places with beautiful scenery, nature and buildings that facilitate a sense of excitement and exploration. But how many of us channel that excitement into internal trips? Trips inside ourselves. Wouldn't it be marvelous if we could revel in our growth and development as human beings in a way that is as exciting or awe-inspiring as the trips we take to other lands? We could see ourselves expanding our knowledge and our practice in such a way that keeps us connected and engaged to our values and ever-evolving lives. What an amazing concept. Learning to travel inwards with the precision and intention we take when traveling outwards. Here's to adventuring into the crevices of our being with focus, compassion and love.


We have so many institutions in society. Financial, academic, governmental, etc.. The list goes on and on. Though these institutions are not inherently negative we need to be critical of their effects on smaller systems. Particularly, on how they effect families and communities microcosmic-ally. Many times these systems serve to separate and divide people from one another-generally not good for people wanting to connect to one another and the earth. It's no wonder why we have the incidence of mental health issues that we do. Institutions are high-level entities of control-whether we choose to opt into that thinking or not it is obvious that's what they are. It's not about whether or not they are good or bad, rather we must understand the level of control they exert-even when we don't think we are being controlled-we are. As such, we must continually question the validity of the decisions these institutions make and be mindful of opting too much into the narrow-mindedness of their thinking. Here's to exercising healthy criticism.

A Seatbelt Sign for Life

Wouldn't it be nice if we had some warning about what was going to happen to us in life? Kind of like when on a plane and the seatbelt warning sign kicks on. There's an announcement and someone pleasantly informs the passengers that there is turbulence ahead. "Please buckle your seatbelt and do not attempt to use the bathroom at this time". It's nice to feel that kind of caring from a total stranger. If we choose to listen to signs from the universe this kind of warning system is likely already in place. Just operating at a frequency that we aren't at. At least not yet. There comes a time in our evolution that we are better able to tap into that system and receive the messages accordingly. Here's to turning that dial up and letting the messages flow towards us so that we can better prepare ourselves for what's around the bend.

Making Love

When we undertake the act of connecting with someone on a level that is physical, emotional, and psychological-a powerful exchange of energy takes place. Very powerful indeed. There are things that happen that are unspoken. Things that fundamentally alter us as people. Things we can't even begin to fully understand. This is why the act of making love with someone is so intimate and vulnerable. It fundamentally alters your relationship with that individual on a level that is hard to measure and is often beyond what we can truly understand. That is why it is so essential to practice sound partner selection when you choose to engage in that loving act with another individual. There is no going back once you've moved things to that level.


There's something freeing about being out on the water. Particularly the ocean. The salty mist, the waves breaking over the rocks, the way the light dances on the blue shimmering surface. It's simply breathtaking. Being out in a boat on the ocean gives a new kind of experience to the water. The rise and fall of the boat as you navigate around choppy waters and observe all the little critters that are floating or swimming around. It's completely awe inspiring and one of the best gifts the planet has given us. Here's to boating and the rise and fall of the waves.

Thursday, August 6, 2015


When we love ourselves first, we are open to the possibility of fully loving others. If we do not see the beauty in ourselves or in our surroundings, we become blind to the gifts in front of us-and within us. We are all capable of so much more than what we have become. Many times, our struggles make us better stronger people, who ultimately change the environments we are in for the better. In order to do this, we must be willing to be adaptable, flexible and receptive. It is only in those spaces where true change can occur.

Small Irritant Management

Those little annoying things in life. The spilled coffee that that there is no time to clean up. The emails that just won’t quit five minutes before leaving work. The co-worker who just can’t stop crying about their problems in the bathroom and needs some TLC. It’s these little moments that can feel like the universe is giving you a big “F You”. It’s in these moments that practice of patience and perspective is so key to us getting through the day. Take a breath and understand that this too is temporary and that the coffee will eventually get cleaned up, those emails will be responded to in record time and the co-worker will eventually get their stuff together. All of it-of life-is impermanent.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Laughter is often the best medicine. Whether we are happy or we are upset, it can create such a rush of endorphins and good vibes that the benefits of laughter can’t be denied. Here’s to giggling!

Growing with Someone

When we have come to a certain point in our evolution on the planet, we suddenly have people enter into our lives that challenge us on many of the things we have been learning. It’s an opportunity for us to grow and become part of a partnership of like-minded individuals seeking similar goals along the path of life. It is during these times of being in contact with these individuals that we begin to question whether we have learned the lessons set forth by the universe enough to fully embrace these new relationships. It’s a scary point in our evolution and it calls into question whether we have successfully implemented the tools required for the next leg of the journey. Here’s to those of us out there stepping way outside our comfort zones and attempting to be better individuals through trials of discomfort.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Where am I Going?

Sometimes we find ourselves not understanding what the next steps are. Where are we supposed to go? Who are we supposed to meet? What opportunities are available? What adventures await us in our new life? We have many lives here on this planet-not to mention other places or even other lives we’ve lived in separate forms. So really-even if we do not know what the next steps are in this current life, perhaps if we can just focus on one thing at a time-or one step at a time if you will-all will be revealed. This principle is Faith. Having the belief and deep knowing that all will be cared for and unveiled all in due time.

Saturday, August 1, 2015


Sometimes it’s the odd things in life. The things that don’t quite fit that can be the most amazing experiences you will ever have on the planet. It’s the quirky strange occurrences in life that help us appreciate the order in the madness around us. Here’s to strange odd things.


Being vulnerable is one of the best ways to bridge the gap between people and the only way to live from a place of authenticity. We can’t be afraid of being vulnerable to those few people we trust with the deepest parts of ourselves. Being open and honest about our triggers or issues is an important part of leading a more fulfilling life. Vulnerability creates a collective trust between individuals sharing in vulnerable moments. It deepens connection and facilitates a sense of sharing and openness that may not have been there before. It can provide healing on levels we cannot yet fully perceive, but that we know are powerful and transformative. Here’s to being responsibly vulnerable.


Clouds tell us many things about the environment, weather and last but not least, provide us with some beautiful parallels on life. They can appear very different based on where you are and when you see them. They can appear thin and wispy or thick and billowy-not unlike the perspective you may have on the issues in your life or the socio-political climate of certain countries. But the interesting thing about clouds is that their shape is always changing, they are always moving and sometimes they disappear. Clouds teach us about perspective and impermanence-particularly that things are not always as they initially appear and just as easily as they appear they can also disappear. They are one of nature’s most spectacular teachers in the sky.

Seeing Beauty in All Places

Beauty is easy to see in places that are serene and experiences that feel happy and positive. The real challenge is finding the beauty in the ugly moments. The times that don’t feel good. The moments that are painful and heart wrenching. But make no mistake, there is lots of beauty in those unpleasant moments. The moments that fundamentally change us as people and feel like the hardest lessons we will ever have to learn have more beauty than we realize. They add depth to our character and grow our souls to higher echelons. Beauty is everywhere.