Monday, June 15, 2015


Feeling tired. Burned out. Fatigued. There are many different ways people talk about fatigue-but fatigue can exist in various ways. It can be physical, emotional, or spiritual. Within these parameters, there can be varying degrees of intensity-some of which require intense rejuvenation. What can we do when we feel fatigued? The obvious answer is rest. But sometimes, rest is simply not enough. It is not enough to take a nap or sleep at the same time every night. It is this extreme fatigue that calls for more intervention. Sometimes its as simple as getting to your primary health care provider and getting some diagnostic testing done. Sometimes its about getting into a better eating/exercise pattern. Most of us can use help with that. But there is the odd time its about something else. Something we struggle to put our finger on. It's like we're fatigued for no reason other than just being tired. This type of fatigue leaves us exhausted with no understanding as to why. Especially if we are already relatively healthy, eating well, exercising and sleeping an appropriate amount of hours at night. This fatigue can be of a healing nature. We can be going through something intense that our bodies are not aware of. Perhaps healing from past trauma, or changing our brain chemistry in some monumental way-perhaps going through a change in values and beliefs. These activities of change take energy to complete. It is at these times we must be patient and ensure our body is receiving appropriate love and respect as we transition. In addition to the sleep, exercise and nutrition of course. Eventually the fatigue will subside and we will emerge with a renewed sense of vigor and health.

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